community resources

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[This page is an eternal WIP.]

Here's my space for providing terminology, background, and other useful resources for those who aren't sure what's going on here/are poking around the Internet/are doing their own research into our communities. In short: so what's this all about?

Others have already written up much more comprehensive & useful resource pages than I could replicate here, so I'll be linking to those. Included on these pages are terminology explanations, links to forums and personal websites of community members, responses to common misconceptions, and other assorted articles/essays.



The Otherkin 101 Carrd

Dragon's Roost Nonhuman FAQ

Dragon's Roost Nonhuman Resources Page

Three Dragons and a Dog's Glossary of Terms

^I recommend Ctrl+F'ing "Otherkin," "Therianthrope," & "Alterhuman" specifically if you're new to this.

Three Dragons and a Dog's Personal Writings + Resources Masterlist



Orion Scribner's Otherkin Timeline

The Chimera's Library's Nonhuman Articles Page

^Includes timelines of various nonhuman communities, & lists of academic and non-academic publications related to the topic.
